Improving water quality


On June 11th we delivered our weekly batch of 12 water samples to the Department of Health, and to no surprise with DRY-WEATHER the reading from Easton’s Stream was elevated and unacceptable, as this is a trend we’ve seen for a while. In partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Health we will expand our water monitoring program further upstream to find the source of bacteria so that action can be taken to solve the problem. Improving water quality requires boots-on-the-ground. Together with the AWESOME volunteers who collect samples EVERY Thursday, along with our active work with the RIDOH, DEM and EPA and local municipalities we will achieve our goal of permanent year-round clean water. How can you help? There are many ways to get involved in this process. Volunteer 1 hour per week, Donate to support our activities, or get involved and put your expertise to action within our collective efforts. Let us work together and make this happen!