Results from our first fall beach cleanup of 2017!

There was a great turnout for our beach cleanup at Easton’s Beach in Newport on Saturday, Sept. 16! Despite the weather on this particularly cloudy day, over 100 volunteers of all ages participated in the coastal cleanup and removed 143 pounds of marine debris from the shoreline, dunes, and surrounding areas at Easton’s Beach. In just a few short hours, volunteers filled five 30-gallon paper bags with debris from a shoreline that is also home to Newport’s famous Cliff Walk. Since 2006, we have hosted 41 beach cleanups at Easton’s Beach, and collected an amazing 15,947 pounds of marine debris with the help of 1,497 volunteers. Our next beach cleanup will take place on Saturday, September 23 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at Pheasant Drive Beach in Portsmouth. See you there!