Clean Ocean Access (COA) performed a coastal cleanup at Weaver Cove, Portsmouth Rhode Island on January 9th 2016 where 11 people removed 1,248 pounds of small to medium size marine debris as part of the Marine Debris Solutions Lifecycle Project (MDSLP). Of the 1,556 items removed, cigarette butts remained the highest count with 638 found along the boat ramp and shoreline, however a large amount of plastic bags (78) and plastic bottles (78) were also a problem. The most discouraging part of this event was the illegal dumping that continues along the beautiful shoreline of Portsmouth including 4 Flat screen televisions, a 6-channel amplifier, 1 sink garbage disposal, 1 mattress, a huge panel of broken glass and 2 tires. We thoroughly cleaned this exact area on October 18th 2014 so this stuff was illegally dumped since that time. We support increased environmental enforcement, but we are likely dealing with a few rotten people and hopefully bringing this awareness will prevent it from happening in the future. We are grateful for the Town of Portsmouth, as well as Middletown and Newport with helping with the post-event debris removal from our events.