Every day in July we are sharing 1 helpful hint of how you can help to improve ocean health on Aquidneck Island, around noon. Sometimes it is about marine debris or water, but it all has a common thread of making informed choices and doing simple things to improve ocean health. The theme today is related to rain barrels, we’ll provide lots more information in August about how to implement these helpful hints and work with everyone this fall/winter/spring to make it a reality. Shown in this picture is the water quality from last week after the big rain storm. As you can see, lots of our favorite swimming locations are impacted by bacteria after a rain event. This is a solvable problem. Get in touch with us if you’d like to help with water testing, analysis or making a donation to help pay for some of the costs. Thank you! A big THANK YOU to the 12 volunteers collected 12 water samples this morning!